Areas of Focus

Ummatics Foundations studies how ummatic thought and practice can uniquely, feasibly, and preferably solve the various social, political, economic, ethical, and spiritual challenges facing the Muslim Umma.

This area also studies the ways in which the Ummatics Institute relates to existing umma-minded entities, and what value the organization can and does add to the practical applications of ummatic thought.

Contention Two: The Past is Our Inspiration, not a Glass Ceiling

Ovamir Anjum
November 7, 2024

Contention One: Ummatic Exceptionalism and the Prospect of Double Humiliation

Ovamir Anjum
July 17, 2024

Why Ummatics: A Series of Contentions

Ovamir Anjum
June 12, 2024

What is Ummatics?

Ovamir Anjum
March 9, 2023

Who Wants the Caliphate?

Ovamir Anjum
September 10, 2022

Islamic Governance in Comparative Perspectives broadly examines the institutional forms, mechanisms, requirements, and challenges pertaining to the creation and sustainment of a unified ummatic polity.

This area probes a range of questions about regional diversity, non-Muslim relations, federalism, legal pluralism, sectarianism, politics, economics, and more as they relate to the application of unification models. In addition, various relevant topics concerning development studies and Shari’ah studies will be considered.

Ḥanbalī Authorities on the Imamate

Massoud Vahedi
November 7, 2023

Early Ḥanafī Authorities on the Imamate

Asim Ayub
August 14, 2023

Secular Integration Models and Global Governance Schemes: Lessons for Ummatic Integration

Alexander Thurston
May 4, 2023

Secular Neutrality and the Failed Political Experiment in Tunisia

Joseph Kaminski
September 12, 2022

Questioning the Caliphate

Uthman Badar
September 12, 2022

Transformation Studies takes an Islamically-informed approach toward the contemporary and historical study of sociopolitical change in Muslim societies.

Political and social transformations, both gradual and sudden, occur more commonly than we may realize. Contemporary social and historical sciences shed ample light on how and why major political and social transformations take place. By deploying the Islamic historical and normative tradition as well as the wealth of cutting-edge contemporary knowledge, these studies investigate how ummatic sociopolitical change can occur in Muslim societies today. This allows us not only to assess but also transcend seemingly intractable Muslim debates on what constitutes an ideal mechanism of transformation, and challenge false dichotomies (such as tradition-focused nostalgia versus forward-looking change).

Secular Integration Models and Global Governance Schemes: Lessons for Ummatic Integration

Alexander Thurston
May 4, 2023

Secular Neutrality and the Failed Political Experiment in Tunisia

Joseph Kaminski
September 12, 2022

Turning the Tide Back in Our Favor — Ummatics and the Need for Critical Muslim Engagement

Joseph Kaminski
September 12, 2022

Towards an Ummatic Economic Discourse

Aisha Hasan
September 12, 2022

Is Deglobalization Real? And What Can We Do About It?

Ovamir Anjum
September 11, 2022



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