Islamic Norms

The study of Islamic Norms tackles questions and problems pertaining to the discourses of Islamic tradition by situating them within the Qur’an and Prophetic model.

This area covers a number of issues pertaining to usul al-fiqh, usul al-din, and fiqh with attention given to those components that are relevant to ummatic thought and practice. This is undertaken with and through an engagement primarily of traditional Islamic scholarship, as well as of worthy contributions from Islamic and religious studies from the academy.

The Ummatics Institute is committed to the Islamic normative tradition, grounded in the Qur’an and Prophetic model. It is thus focused on the study and discourse of Islamic norms. These sharia norms circumscribe and orient the social and political aspirations and actions of the Umma.

While some of these norms are clear, foundational matters of consensus, many more are subject to difference and scholarly reflection, debate, and discourse. It is this latter that we seek to facilitate and further.

Some of the questions and areas covered by our study of Society and Civilization

Delineating and elaborating on the sharia foundations of ummatics

What is the line between definite (qat'i) and preponderant (dhanni) norms, how is it determined, and what is the methodological scope of valid difference in the latter?

Discussions of sharia norms in terms of specific relevant areas such as political, economic, and social models and transformations

What is the role of shar'i maqasid and modern realities in the determination of applicable shar'i norms in relevant areas?

Latest on Islamic Norms

Contention One: Ummatic Exceptionalism and the Prospect of Double Humiliation

Ovamir Anjum
July 17, 2024

Islam: A Revolt Against the Meta-Order

Ali Harfouch
April 1, 2024

Late Ḥanafī Authorities on the Imamate

Asim Ayub
December 26, 2023

Nationalism and Ummatic Solidarity: Reflections on a British memo (1917) from colonial East Africa

Alexander Thurston
November 14, 2023

Early Ḥanafī Authorities on the Imamate

Asim Ayub
August 14, 2023

Shāfiʿī Jurists and Legal Theorists on the Imamate

Yousef Wahb
June 27, 2023

The “Constitution” of Medina: Translation, Commentary, and Meaning Today

Ovamir Anjum
September 12, 2022



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