This series is part of our Young Ummatic Academics and Leaders program, (YUAL Seminar). One of our distinguished participants is Dr. Yousuf Raza, a consultant and psychiatrist currently pursuing his PhD in psychology. He was associated with Dr Israr Ahmed’s Tanzima Islami and served as a Mudarris and Nazim e Dawat Islamabad while he was with them. Currently, he is at the University of West Georgia in Atlanta. 

Tanzim Islami is an Islamic movement that has had a significant impact particularly in teaching the Quran and making the Quran the center of Muslim life. It is our pleasure to have Dr Yousuf present on Dr. Israr Ahmed’s thought, life, and works.

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Contention One: Ummatic Exceptionalism and the Prospect of Double Humiliation

July 17, 2024
Ovamir Anjum

Upcoming Colloquium

July 15, 2024

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July 15, 2024



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