Ummatics Mentorship Program
Many undergraduate and graduate students aspire to pursue PhD studies and academic careers in the humanities and social sciences. However, some of these motivated students have the skills and aptitude but lack the resources, opportunities, or appropriate guidance to make it in an increasingly competitive academic market in the top universities of the world.
The Ummatics Institute aims to contribute in this space by offering a novel mentorship program. The Ummatics Mentorship Program is designed to connect aspiring, ummatic-minded students who are eager to apply for PhD programs in the social sciences and humanities with ummatic-minded academics who can guide them in this process.
This program aims to pair mentees with the right mentor based on the information provided by both on their respective application form. Ummatic-minded academics – minimally advanced PhD candidates all the way to full-time professors – are strongly encouraged to apply for a mentorship position within this exciting new initiative. The more detail provided by potential mentees and mentors on the respective application forms linked below, the easier it will be for us to connect the right people.
Once connected through the program, mentors will guide their mentees through the often-confusing graduate school application process with such things as identifying suitable graduate programs based on the mentees’ individual interests and needs; crafting ‘winning’ cover letters and research statements; offering advice and recommendations for how they should approach the overall application process; and the like.
*Each mentor will only be assigned one or two mentees in order to ensure that all mentees are given maximal attention by their mentors.
The deadline for application submissions is May 21st 2024. We anticipate pairing selected mentees with their respective mentors by the end of May, inshā’Allah.
Mentee Requirements
- Good academic record
- Entering final year of undergraduate studies in 2024/2025 or already in possession of a university degree in the social sciences or humanities
- An interest in applying to a PhD Program
- An interest in pursuing studies and research questions relevant to the affairs of the Umma
Applications are no longer being accepted. We will be in touch with all applicants soon inshallah!
For more details, please contact
Dr. Joseph J. Kaminski
Director of Mentorship Program
[email protected]