Ummatics Forums

Colloquium | Gaza: The Umma Beyond The Crisis

Ummatics Colloquium | Gaza: The Umma Beyond The Crisis

The current conflict in Gaza has demonstrated that Muslim Ummatic sentiments are alive and vibrant. Muslims from around the world, including those residing in non-Muslim majority countries, have taken to the streets to support their fellow Muslims in Palestine . They have been pressuring their local politicians to take action, collecting donations, and above all, making continuous supplications to Allah to alleviate such calamity. Nonetheless, other recent crises in the Muslim world have shown that such Ummatic sentiment tends to wane after some time, and Muslims return to being more concerned about their localized national interests. What would the future world look like if Muslims were to act as one Ummah?

The Ummatics Colloquium is honored to host Imam Omar Suleiman and Wadah Khanfar to discuss the status of the Ummatic solidarity during and beyond the crisis in Gaza , and the potential this Umma has in changing future political realities.

Imam Omar Suleiman is a world-renowned scholar and theologically driven activist for human rights. He is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, and an Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program at SMU (Southern Methodist University).
Wadah Khanfar is the Former Director-General of the Al Jazeera Network, President and co-founder of Al Sharq Forum , and Chairman of Common Action Forum.

The discussion and Q&A session was moderated by Dr. Ovamir Anjum, Founder of the Ummatics Institute.

This discussion is part of the Ummatics monthly colloquium; subscribe to our newsletter to receive notifications for upcoming events:…

The Ummatics Institute is a research organization for the study of ummatic thought and practice. We aim to empower Muslims toward the realization of a unified Islamic civilization for the benefit of the Umma and humanity at large. Our institute provides a platform for the thinkers, doers, and visionaries of the Umma to conceptualize and help realize the reintegration of Muslim regions into a prosperous and virtuous civilization.

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